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SUSP Week 8

This week's workshop was about Sharing Research & Creative Output with Diverse Audiences.

A strong emphasis was put on the perfect pitch...

The opening

  • Hook your audience, give an impactful intro.

  • Ask a question.

  • Report a statistic.

  • Share a personal story.

The pain

The gain

The closing

We practiced giving pitches for our projects in small groups. We were tasked with tailoring a pitch for different audiences: Someone with a background in research/scholarship but not in your field, a policy maker, and the general public.

The following is my pitch:

Think of a time where you have been excluded. What did did that feel like; where you angry or frustrated? Did your heart rate increase? Maybe your felt flush as your emotions strengthened.
Negative emotions are needed to learn and adapt, however, highly intense forms of emotions can discourage adaptation. Therefore, the ability to detect emotional impact early on is useful to our progression as individuals.
My study focuses on this early dection component. interoception (the ability to detect small physiological changes, such as increased heart rate or hunger pangs) may be a useful tool we posses to combat online exclusion (being left out of an online game of catch). Past research has shown that people with higher interoception are able to identify the feeling of exclusion more effectively and then exerience a less negative reaction to online exclusion.
The study I am working on is attempting to replicate these results. If it is true, that interoception can modify our negative experiences, then we can start to conduct research on increasing interoception in people of all ages. Especially with an increase in online interaction it is important that we are proactive in helping balance the potentially negative aspects of the internet.


Professional Development

Working with Rats in a research setting: I completed the certification for working with rats in a research setting through CITI Training.

Audacity: This is a recording software that I have used in the past to record my podcast episodes. I did some review to be able to work on the podcast episode about interoception and cyber exclusion.


Research Progress:

  1. One final participant came into the lab.

  2. The participation window for my study this summer has closed. I will re-open the sign-up at the beginning of the Fall 2023 semester.

  3. Statistical Analysis has begun.

  4. I have started to record the podcast and continue to record and edit it into the next week.

  5. After the workshop, I was motivated heavily and was able to work on a great opening for my presentation next week.

  6. I posted the flier for the 2023 SUSP Presentations on Facebook... Fingers crossed that there is a good turnout for the presentations.

Struggles this week:

  1. I am starting to feel the pressure of the upcoming presentation. I have felt in over my head a few too many times this week.

  2. overall this week has been productive and the biggest struggle has been not getting overwhelmed and staying on track.

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