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SUSP Week 7

The workshop for this week was a check-in for everyone's projects. We discussed the challenges of research and how to continue on with a healthy mindset. We also discussed some of the successes we have experienced so far.

One thing that we were tasked with thinking about was how our vision of success looked like in the beginning of the program vs where it is now. One student (Bill) made a very interesting remark. He noted how his struggles are actually a hidden success.

Going into the project he had a rather lofty goal with his project. He wanted to design and produce a new app in two months. Early on he realized why companies with large teams take years to produce an app. Bill had to take a step back and change his goals for his project, so it was smaller but much more attainable.

Instead of considering this to be a failure, he reframed it to be an experience that can used to better plan future projects. He may not get to his original goal at the end of this program; however, he did discover what a more realistic timeline looks like with app development.

As a result of Bill's remark, I decided to re-analyze my accomplishments and struggles with my project. Therefore, in the following section, I will be practicing reframing my struggles:


Positive Reframing

Difficulty recruiting participants over the summer for the study.

I better understand why some studies take years to complete. I also understand why small towns are not commonly used for data collection and larger cities (i.e., Madison, WI) are more effective.

Finding it overwhelming to write the introduction section to my manuscript.

As much as I enjoy writing, I have discovered that inside my career I would like to be working with the participants more. I don't care to be conducting grant proposals and would not like to be the primary person involved in producing the manuscript.

Experiencing lack of motivation periodically through the research process.

I have found that working with other people is one of the best motivators for me when I don't feel like doing work. throughout the week a fellow student (Ellie) and I will work independently together. This time seems to fly by compared to when I am working alone. Therefore, I definitely want to be in a job where there is interaction between coworkers and not a remote position.


Professional Development

Animal Testing:

I did a bit of research this week on animal testing ethics and certification. Across the different sites that I found I have created a pros and cons list regarding animal testing.




Overall, I do not feel I am able to confidently pick a side on this debate of animal testing. Therefore, I suggest that we consider animal testing on a need-be basis with an emphasis on finding alternative non-animal ways of testing first.

Not all animal testing involves injecting or creating pain. There are influential psychology studies that involve animals and their behavior without "harming" the animal (i.e., B.F. Skinner studied operant conditioning through rats pressing a button to receive food pellets).

At some point in my career, I would like to be a part of a lab that includes animal research/testing. I do see the value it brings to science, but most definitely want to go about in a wise and ethical manor.

IACUC Training:

This week I was able to complete Institutional Animal Care and Use Commitee (IACUC) training. This is a research certificate for ethical animal research. I plan to complete more trainings (i.e., specifically rat and mice research ethics training) before end of this program and a bit into this fall semester.

Manuscript Editing:

I received feedback on the first part of my introduction section and continue to work on completing this portion of the manuscript.


Research Progress:

  1. Completed IACUC training.

  2. Had 1 participant come into the lab.

  3. Continuing to make progress on the presentation for SUSP and poster for Spark Symposium.

  4. Created a flyer for the SUSP presentations.

Struggles this week:

  1. Did not meet my goal of recording the podcast this week but will continue to make progress with it.

Overall, this week was productive, but just not in the area's I planned. I spent more time on my poster for Spark and starting an infographic for my project. These are still useful, but just not what I initially intended for this week.

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