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SUSP Week 5

Updated: Jul 6, 2023

The workshop for this week was us creating a Rube Goldberg Machine. The goal of this was to make us consider the different components of teamwork and communication. The mission with the Rube Goldberg Machine was to pop a balloon and at minimum, use 5 moving parts. The team with the most moving parts won.

My team (Team B) ended with 7 moving parts and sadly did not win. But it was a valuable learning experience. Over my college career I have had a select number of opportunities to do group projects.

This workshop was able to challenge that muscle and remind me of the joys and struggles of teamwork. One joy was multiple brains bring unique ideas and not having the responsibility of the assignment fully rest on one person's shoulders. However, the struggle part is having so many ideas together and having them clash and feeling like little progress is being made and working through that.

Overall, this project was fun and one I will remember.

Team B

Note: there were two balloons at the end of the chain reaction. Only one was popped, that's why there is still a balloon at the end.

Team A


Professional Development:

  • Exteroception is linked to consciousness.

  • Interoception is not always linked or need/want conscious access.

  • those with heightened emotions show higher interoception

  • Emotion is different than cognition.

  • Training: strengthening their heart

This webinar was very interesting for a few reasons. The first being that I read a couple of her articles! She is a woman in psychology doing research and is still pretty young. This was so exciting to stumble on her, as her paper Knowing your own heart: Distinguishing interoceptive accuracy from interoceptive awareness (Garfinkel et al., 2015) is one that was a part of my initial literature search for my research project.

The second reason this was an insightful webinar was because, she went beyond the concept of just interoception and brought the concept of consciousness into the discussion.

Finally, Garfinkel also talked about potential ways that we could strengthen interoception (i.e., focus on strengthening the heart).

The second webinar I listened to was on working from home successfully. The recommendations were not especially new to me; however, it was still useful to be reminded of them. They included:

  • Keeping distractions minimal.

  • Try doing as little multitasking as possible.

  • keep your meetings on all the same day or on only certain days of the week. This helps facilitate less scatteredness and burnout.

  • Keep your workspace and living space separate.

    • If possible, have a separate office/ room for work at home. Or only one space that you do work, so you don't get anxious and burnt out when you are trying to relax.

    • Put a blanket over your computer when you are not using it... out of sight, out of mind.

  • Keep boundaries for your schedule.

    • Mark time in your calendar that is for just working and no one can schedule meetings inside of.

  • Schedule down time/ recovery time after a meeting. Don't have meetings back-to-back.


I found this film to be exceptionally helpful in displaying an aspect of the research I am doing. The clip above talks about the development and effectiveness of cyberball.

Cyberball is the program I am using to elicit feelings of ostracism. My study goes a step further and considers the potential that interoception is a modifier of these feelings.

Seeing the faces and hearting the voices of the authors of that papers I have been reading was a kind of validation for myself. It felt more real to me that these are real people and not just names. It was also somewhat inspirational to see that they are not all in their 70's but instead maybe closer to 40's and 50's.

Seeing this film was a nice reprieve from reading and a bit of a boost of confidence that I can achieve impactful research at any stage in life.


Research Progress:

  1. Completed the second draft of the methods section.

  2. One person came in to participate for the study.

  3. Wrote my CV.

  4. Completed more job searches to see what is out there.

  5. Completed the SPSS syntax for analysis.

Struggles this week:

  1. I have been dealing with large amounts of exhaustion that lead to a massive lack of motivation.

  2. The air quality has been terrible with the smoke coming down from Canada. Therefore, I have been getting more headaches that made it difficult to focus and read articles. I was unable to read no more than one article this week.

  3. Sign-ups for my study have slowed down significantly and the number of no-shows still persists to be higher than people who actually show up.

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