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SUSP week 4

Updated: Jul 5, 2023

This week's workshop was touring various facilities that are being used for the studies in SUSP 2023. Since I have two lab spaces in different buildings, I chose to do a PowerPoint Presentation with photos of my lab spaces.

This is the primary lab space used in the academic year. The computer on the right is a pivotal part of research as I do statistical analysis here and a considerable amount of research and writing.

This space also provides unique place to read and use my laptop, such as the couch. Finally, I use the white board and cork board to outline my manuscript and make notes for myself.

Boebel Hall is mostly known for having all kinds of biology courses held there. However, a very cool space (quite literally as there is an AC in the space) is the GSI lab across from the TREEs Lab. This space is the secondary location of PEDL for the summer of 2023.

Part of my project uses the BioPac System MP 36. This tool needs to be kept in a temperature-controlled room so as to not damage the electronics. Unfortunately, Warner Hall is not very consistent with its temperature, so I this system set up in this Lab. Participants come to this lab space to complete the study.

This is a closer look at the BioPac System and a bit of data collected. the small circle "stickers" are the electrodes that are placed on the right wrist and interior part both ankles.


Professional Development:

  1. Open Sesame: creating a mock experiment.

  2. Intro to R and R Studio (statistical analysis program).


Accomplishments this week:

  • completed second draft of methods section.

  • wrote outline of intro section in manuscript.

  • Attended an online seminar for introduction to R and R studio (an experiment programming software).

  • finished making a mock experiment in Open Sesame

  • Read two more articles (19/40 articles done... almost 50 %).

  • Five people came in to participate in the study! (Total: 8 participants)

Struggles this week:

  • Finding the scoring for Need threat scale

    • learned the importance of asking for help and finding balance of stubborn commitment and the value of collaboration.

  • Open Sesame was more frustrating than anticipated, but as a result I feel I learned a bit more because of this.

  • Unfortunately, I did miss a participant sign up. They signed up 20 minutes before the slot and I didn't see the sign-up till after the slot time.

  • Last week I had four people either not show up for their sign-up time or cancel last minute.

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